
Behold … my stuff!

Projects are ordered newest to oldest. Not everything fit on this page — be sure to check out “Older Posts” for a complete look at my work!

Better, Not Bitter
Writing Ali . Writing Ali .

Better, Not Bitter

Described by The New York Times as “a kind of kitchen-sink New Yorker,” The Bitter Southerner began as a digital magazine and evolved into print. Ali Dening spoke to cofounder Kyle Tibbs Jones on how the magazine got its start.

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Writing Ali . Writing Ali .

It's Time to Be Realistic: Why I Switched Out of My Creative Writing Major

Guys. It’s happened. 

I’ve finally seen sense.  

I’ve switched out of my creative writing major to pursue something more practical.

“Thank god,” the unemployed future version of me is probably saying. “Now I can eat something other than ramen. There was never any money in books anyway.”

To which the current version of me might reply, “well. . .”

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Stork Magazine Vol. 36 — Print & Ebook Editions
Editing Ali . Editing Ali .

Stork Magazine Vol. 36 — Print & Ebook Editions

Stork is a fiction journal published by undergraduate students of Emerson College. Stork is founded on the idea of communication between writer and editors. Feedback goes far beyond a simple notification of acceptance or rejection; every submitter receives a detailed letter evaluating their piece, regardless of whether that piece is going to published by Stork.

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