Behold … my stuff!
Projects are ordered newest to oldest. Not everything fit on this page — be sure to check out “Older Posts” for a complete look at my work!
Better, Not Bitter
Described by The New York Times as “a kind of kitchen-sink New Yorker,” The Bitter Southerner began as a digital magazine and evolved into print. Ali Dening spoke to cofounder Kyle Tibbs Jones on how the magazine got its start.
Print is Dead (Long Live Print!) S5: EP49
“Soul Survivor”: A conversation with designer Richard Baker (Us, Life, Premiere, Inc., more)
It's Time to Be Realistic: Why I Switched Out of My Creative Writing Major
Guys. It’s happened.
I’ve finally seen sense.
I’ve switched out of my creative writing major to pursue something more practical.
“Thank god,” the unemployed future version of me is probably saying. “Now I can eat something other than ramen. There was never any money in books anyway.”
To which the current version of me might reply, “well. . .”
The Full Bleed S2: EP15
“Not the Safe Choice”: A conversation with Maya Moumne, designer and cofounder, Journal Safar and founder, Al Hayya.
Print is Dead (Long Live Print!) S5: EP48
“Smiling Through the Apocalypse”: A conversation with editor Will Welch (GQ, GQ Style, The Fader, more)
The Full Bleed S2: EP13
“A Life of Slice”: A conversation with Cake Zine founders, Tanya Bush and Aliza Abarbanel.
“Meet Me at Harvest Moon” by Callan Whitley
A sheet ghost and a cat in a yellow raincoat, off to see a girl on the moon.
YourMag Vol. 21, Issue 3
Award-winning monthly lifestyle magazine at Emerson College. Student-run and published since 2011.
Stork Magazine Vol. 36 — Print & Ebook Editions
Stork is a fiction journal published by undergraduate students of Emerson College. Stork is founded on the idea of communication between writer and editors. Feedback goes far beyond a simple notification of acceptance or rejection; every submitter receives a detailed letter evaluating their piece, regardless of whether that piece is going to published by Stork.
Metamorphosis — Concrete Literary Magazine: The 2024 Issue
A yearly literary magazine. Within its pages can be found a diverse collection of prose and poetry written by students of Emerson College.
Sanderson’s Secret Project Kickstarter — What It Means For Publishing
More writers than ever are looking to crowdfunding as a potentially viable source of funding for their publishing projects. It isn’t a stretch to say that Brandon Sanderson’s Secret Project Kickstarter made waves.
YourMag Vol. 21, Issue 1
Award-winning monthly lifestyle magazine at Emerson College. Student-run and published since 2011.
The Fox and the Box
A creation story with fantasy and sci-fi elements. Runner-up in Page Turner’s Spring 2024 Fantasy Flash Fiction Contest.
“TwoSpanTime” by Rita Chun
A heart-wrenching epic following two intertwined souls as they struggle to find each other through space and time, and even across lives.
YourMag Vol. 20, Issue 3
Award-winning monthly lifestyle magazine at Emerson College. Student-run and published since 2011.
“Saltburn”: Emerald Fennell’s R-rated masterclass in distraction and subversion
I interview award-winning actress, writer, producer, director, author, and screenwriter Emerald Fennell after an early screening of her film, “Saltburn.” This was my first published piece of writing in college, and it made the front page of my student paper!
YourMag Vol. 20, Issue 1
Award-winning monthly lifestyle magazine at Emerson College. Student-run and published since 2011.
From the Edge of the World
Winner of the 2024 Book Award for Anthology from the Maine Literary Awards
"Together, the anthology astonishes with its range, and the high quality of its prose, the seeds of our future authors being nourished at the Telling Room, and starting to grow." — Nina MacLaughlin, The Boston Globe