Behold … my stuff!
Projects are ordered newest to oldest. Not everything fit on this page — be sure to check out “Older Posts” for a complete look at my work!
It's Time to Be Realistic: Why I Switched Out of My Creative Writing Major
Guys. It’s happened.
I’ve finally seen sense.
I’ve switched out of my creative writing major to pursue something more practical.
“Thank god,” the unemployed future version of me is probably saying. “Now I can eat something other than ramen. There was never any money in books anyway.”
To which the current version of me might reply, “well. . .”
Sanderson’s Secret Project Kickstarter — What It Means For Publishing
More writers than ever are looking to crowdfunding as a potentially viable source of funding for their publishing projects. It isn’t a stretch to say that Brandon Sanderson’s Secret Project Kickstarter made waves.